The Kubik Report



Monday Jan 13, 2025

Lamentations paints a vivid picture of a city's funeral—a tear-soaked depiction of once-proud Jerusalem, now reduced to rubble by the invading Babylonian forces. Jeremiah pours out his raw emotions over this devastating loss. Jerusalem lies desolate, like a death has occurred. Yet, amid this profound tragedy, Jeremiah boldly declares, “Great is Your faithfulness.” In the face of death and destruction, as life seemingly crumbles around him, Jeremiah transforms despair into a triumph of faith.

Friday Oct 04, 2024

I presented this in Indianapolis UCG on October 3, 2024.  I speak about the History of the Feast of Trumpets, its traditions and how they relate to us, in particular how they affect our character and work.
Documents referred to can be found at

Wednesday Sep 18, 2024

The Bible is by far the most proliferated book throughout all history.  No matter how man has tried to judge and destroy this literature, it has turned back on those critics and has judged them.
Ken and I reflect on our experience with the Bible and what understanding it has given us. 

Where Are YOU in Prophecy?

Thursday Sep 05, 2024

Thursday Sep 05, 2024

As we approach the fall Holy Day season, I have been thinking a lot about biblical prophecy. The upcoming High Days literally burst with prophetic meaning. Essentially one half of the plan of God – the death and resurrection of the prophesied Messiah, the time for us to come out of sin and come under the sacrifice of Christ, and the coming of the powerful Holy Spirit – these have been moved over into the “fulfilled” category of Bible prophecy.  Now, we move into the unfulfilled group.  What is God revealing to us?

Friday Jul 19, 2024

Today I will answer a question that we have all asked ourselves:   
What will happen to me when AND AFTER I die?  
When the lights go out in this life and our bodies are lifeless,  where will we be?   
Is this life all there is?    
Is there an afterlife?   
There are so many ideas.  
How can you KNOW the answer that is the TRUTH!!??   
Why am I asking these questions?   
We are confronted with them when death happens.   We need to think through these questions and answers at a time other than at a funeral.  
Death, the death of close people to us is constant.  We are stunned, we think about it.  We hope that there will be “something” in another dimension....when we will meet our loved ones and be reunited with them. 
It is important to speak on it with authority, confidence and mostly HOPE ABOUT THE RESURECTION which means:
Again from below to stand 
I would like to talk about OUR RESURRECTION primarily from the 15th chapter of I Corinthians that covers five important aspects of our resurrection. 
I’ll speak about the FOUNDATION of this HOPE 
This is not human philosophy, authority.  The Truth will set us free.  
So, please listen.  

Monday Jul 01, 2024

Ken Murray, United Church of God pastor for Clermont, Central Queensland, Australia, and I discuss THE KINGDOM OF GOD.  Both Ken and I became acquainted with and became believers in what that Kingdom is from the entirety of the Bible. We both saw that it was not what is popularly taught as heaven, a feeling, a church.  Then, what is it?  Find our by listening here.  We invite your comments to

Sunday Jun 09, 2024

In 2019 the United Church of God published What Does the Bible Teach About Grace?  This was a landmark publication about a subject spanning Genesis through Revelation.   I talk about GRACE as presented in a way we had not fully discussed it before.  
You can order your free copy or read it online here. 

Sunday Jun 02, 2024

Steve Parker from Houston, Texas and I discuss the parable of the Prodigal Son, also called the Lost Son.  The lessons from this parable were the theme of the Young Adults Retreat in Townsend, Tennessee, in the Smoky Mountains.  Steve was one of the principal speakers at the event that took place May 24-27, 2024.
This parable offers more than meets the eye, with lessons for all ages about how God loves and pursues us. 
Steve Parker is a Christ-follower, husband, father of four, and soon-to-be grandfather. He serves as a Deacon in the Houston congregation of the United Church of God and is currently finishing a five-part sermon series entitled Live Valuably: Learning to Appreciate Yourself and Others as God Does. Professionally, he has been a hospice executive for nearly 23 years with sector expertise in patient experience, business development, and leadership. You can find him on social media at @storysparker where he contributes about storytelling, Biblical wisdom, and whatever book he is reading at the time.
We'd love your feedback on this podcast to

Friday Apr 26, 2024

What does it take to be right with God and your fellow man?  What is the threshold of righteousness?  Is it perfection achieved by your efforts?  What part does Jesus Christ play in our being just before God.  I explore this in this episode.  
Download a worksheet that contains the 120 titles, names and metaphors of Jesus Christ.

On Courage - Victor Kubik

Sunday Jan 14, 2024

Sunday Jan 14, 2024

I’d like to go back to an address I made to the General Conference of Elders of the United Church of God on May 2, 2020.  This was to be our biggest conference yet, celebrating 25 years of the United Church of God’s existence.  We planned for 80% of the ministry to come to Cincinnati, OH for the special event.  As it turned out, this date was in the midst of the darkest days of COVID-19 pandemic.  The in-person conference was canceled.  I did speak to our ministry, but it was in an empty room with everyone listening online wherever they were in the world.
Our theme for Conference was Conviction, Commitment and Courage. 
I chose to speak about Courage as it applied to our outlook on the world and how we need to face challenges in doing our Work, such as in the time of COVID which we were in and didn’t know how things would work out. 
I was inspired to post this as a podcast because of a person who wrote to me how they found this message online and how it helped her face a current life’s trial.
So, here it is...going back to May 2, 2020 in Cincinnati, Ohio.

Monday Dec 25, 2023

On Thursday July 13, 2023 Aaron and Michelle Dean and Bev and I were invited to the Church of God Seventh Day Conference held in Covington, Kentucky this year. About 1000 people were in attendance. We had dinner with Loren Stacy, President of the Church of God Seventh Day and his wife Karen as well as elder Mike Wallace.
This is my interview with Mike Wallace. 
At the conference we had a wonderful evening reminiscing about our “recent” relationship going back 30 years when first visiting the COG7 Headquarters in Denver, CO and further back to the days when Herbert Armstrong fellowshipped with them. It was good to talk about their work in training ministers and leaders in their ARTIOS Christian College which has a well-developed training curriculum. We also talked about evangelism and working with Young Adults where they have been successful. COG7 has 200,000 members worldwide. Wonderful evening. At the evening worship service I met many people with whom we’ve had contact with over the years.

Saturday Aug 05, 2023

Micah Gunn has given me permission to repost his his podcast Truth Be Told podcast ( with noted radio host Dr. Frank Turek posted originally on August 12, 2022 at
In this episode of Truth Be Told, Dr. Frank Turek and Micah Gunn offer up a defense for the discipline of Apologetics. The defense of the Christian faith is not only something that is under attack from skeptics, but also Christians who incorrectly believe that an evidential approach to the truth claims of the Bible somehow hinders or infringes on an individual's faith. Some might believe that an answer to God's calling should be wholly apart from evidence or logic, and others might think that utilizing logical argumentation or extrabiblical sources are misguided attempts to seek God with manmade tools. Another concern for apologists (both professional and lay people) is the ever-expanding movement of liberal theology which claims that correct thinking about God is limiting to Him and shouldn't be engaged in. So, why should a Christian study apologetics, particularly in light of all of this refutation towards the discipline itself? Join us in this episode for the answers!
Truth Be Told is a theology and apologetics podcast born out of a love of God's word, a hope to find common ground with those who study it, and a desire to outline truth. 

Thursday Jul 27, 2023

I gave this message at the Pasadena Auditorium congregation on Nov 13, 1993 just after returning from Ukraine with Oleh Zajac and Bev.,  Lots of interesting history about our early working with these people that we still work with today, particularly in their distribution of aid in the current war with Russia.  Also a glimpse into the Worldwide Church of God.   
Photo is of Michael Palchey who was the founder of the postwar Sabbatarians in Ukraine.  He emigrated to the United States where I met him and he then asked me to visit these people in Transcarpathia.

Monday Dec 12, 2022

Daniel Russo and I talk about an initiative that Dan and other have founded to bring the resources of various churches with common backgrounds together.  I have spoken with Daniel about his vision five years ago before he started Church of God Network.  Hear him speak about what COGN is and what it does.

Wednesday Nov 30, 2022

Mark Kellner is Washington Tribune's Faith and Family Reporter.  I have known Mark for more than 25 years.  When UCG began he contacted me sincerely interested in the issues surrounding the founding of the new organization. 
Mark was commissioned to write the lead stories for the Washington Times about the death of Queen Elizabeth II as well as commentary about her faith.  We discuss these events in today's podcast. 

Wednesday Nov 23, 2022

Johnnie Lambert along with his son Bryant recount the 25 years of work that both have done in the Baltic areas.  Hear stories of perseverance and faith.  I have worked with them, but felt so inspired after hearing their first-person accounts of working in a part of the world that was part of the USSR until 1991 and now has a country that is searching for its own destiny. 
In this interview Johnnie and Bryant discuss Proclamation of the Gospel, caring for those who believe and the Feast of Tabernacles.  

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