The Kubik Report



Saturday Sep 14, 2024

David Cobb gave a presentation at Brown County to the United Church of God over Pentecost weekend earlier in 2024.   He spoke about how to build power, love, and a sound mind (mental health). This is so important now when mental health has deteriorated due to all the pressures we must endure.  
Michael Snyder joins in this discussion.  
One resources referred to in this podcast is United Church of God's Light of Hope Helpline. 

Sunday Jul 28, 2024

Neal Kinsey has just returned from Ukraine, where he was a speaker at an agricultural conference in Vinnytsia. 
He is the Owner and CEO of Kinsey Agricultural Services, Inc., which specializes in building or re-building soil fertility to improve quality and yields through soil and plant analysis. 
He is a highly acclaimed soil specialist and consultant and has been called a consultant’s consultant.  
He is also elder in the United Church of God living in Charleston, Missouri.

Wednesday Jun 26, 2024

Kurt Hoyer is passionate about the connection between archeology and the Bible. He received a Master's degree in this field from Hebrew University in Israel. He and his wife Jennifer have served in the Foreign Service and is now retired. He has lived in diverse places around the world, including Afghanistan, Kenya, the Philippines, and several others. 
He presents a fascinating insight into the archeological advances that have given proof of historical biblical narratives.  

Friday May 17, 2024

Joseph Mughogho, who lives in Lilongwe, Malawi, has been our friend for about 11 years. He has served as an accountant for the United Church of God and is currently LifeNets Business Manager for northern Malawi. We have appreciated his professional and wise service to us all these years.  In April 2024, he and his wife were appointed as a couple to serve as Secretary General of the International Confederation of Christian Family Movements for Africa.  He will hold this position for the next five years.  The position is not full-time but will involve quite a considerable amount of travel to Zambia, Mozambique, Uganda, Cameroon, Nigeria among other places.  He will continue doing his work for LifeNets.
As a couple, they consider it an honor to serve through Family movements. The induction was conducted on 27th April 2024 in Lilongwe.  He asks for our continued prayers as they perform this task of strengthening families and marriages, vitally needed for Africa.  
In this podcast we carry on a  conversation about the importance of teaching family values.

Sunday Apr 28, 2024

Ken Murray of Clermont, Queensland, Australia and I talk about the awesome world of bees, beekeeping  and honey.  As a registered beekeeper in his state of Queensland, Ken talks about the bee, what it produces and how he interfaces with it.  
Ken and Ruthie on the day of the podcast. 
Here are some other resources spoken of in the podcast:
Beyond Today articles: 
Photo attributes: Makro Freak, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons 

Tuesday Mar 12, 2024

Mitchell Moss is a designer, writer, editor and photographer who lives in Cincinnati, Ohio.  He’s been writing on menswear for more than a decade, helping men discover the principles of how to dress well, feel great and express their style.
We focus particularly on menswear in this podcast, however Mitch Moss gives us a history and biblical narrative about clothing dating to the first animal skins used for clothing in the Book of Genesis through the regal display of attire in the Book of Revelation.
Find out more about Mitch at his website at

Thursday Aug 10, 2023

It's been one year since the James Webb Space Telescope has been in operation one million miles from the earth.  It is 100 times more powerful than its predecessor the Hubble Telescope.  
It has reached out far further to what appears to be the edge of the universe. This is where light now coming to us would reveal the primitive clues to the formation of the universe.  What it discovered is startling and unexpected.  Instead of clouds of gas and the earliest elements forming matter, it found something far from it.  
Mario Seiglie and Victor Kubik talk about what they discovered and its implications on science, evolution, creation, design, God and man's purpose.  
This podcast is based on Mario Seiglie's article in the July/July 2023 issue of Beyond Today magazine "Proof of God's Word Through the Universe."  that can be found at
Posted August 10, 2023

Wednesday Mar 01, 2023

Andy Lee and Victor Kubik talk about how we consume information.   At one time it was a newspaper and TV.   Now, there are many more sources.  What's the best way to stay informed and not waste time.  We candidly discuss a continually changing phenomenon that involves you, your phone, Internet, TV and maybe things still printed on paper such as books and newspapers. 

Friday Feb 24, 2023

Dan Deininger and Dustin Reed of Helena, Montana talk about how they are using Chat GPT right now.   This is an exploding phenomenon that is changing how we communicate and think.  Hear our discussion of early adopters. 

Thursday Jan 05, 2023

Andy Lee and I talk about the subject of discerning TRUTH in our time.  What determines what you consider to be Truth?  Is it just facts?  What are other factors that come into play?  We should not bear false witness, but we should also not fall for false witness. 
Listen here to gain more insight in how to sort through the volume of confusing and contradictory data we are confronted with daily.  How do we determine what is true?
Andy Lee who is a Partner and Quality Leader for Tax Practices in the U.S. with Ernst & Young, one of the Big Four Accounting Firms.  He is also elder in the United Church of God.

Thursday Dec 29, 2022

In this episode Andy Lee who is Partner with Ernst and Young and I talk about money.  What's the best strategy for you in the coming year?  He answers some questions of concern from a professional viewpoint of one of the Big Four accounting firms in the world.   We touch on the uncertain times we live in, national debt, turbulence and even crypto currencies.  

Thursday Dec 08, 2022

Mario Seiglie recently (August 2022) attended and Associates for Bible Research Conference in Albuquerque, New Mexico.  Dr. Scott Stirling discussed the Curse Tablet found at Mt. Ebal near Shechem in Israel that confirmed the Deuteronomy 11 account of Israel of Israel proclaiming blessings at Mr. Gerizim and curses at Mt. Ebal.   This sensational discovery about two years ago gives not only authentication to the biblical account, but shows the advanced state of the alphabet and writing.  
Last night Mario Seiglie and I made this latest The Kubik Report podcast about a sensational discovery at Mt. Ebal near Shechem in Israel.

Wednesday Nov 30, 2022

Mark Kellner is Washington Tribune's Faith and Family Reporter.  I have known Mark for more than 25 years.  When UCG began he contacted me sincerely interested in the issues surrounding the founding of the new organization. 
Mark was commissioned to write the lead stories for the Washington Times about the death of Queen Elizabeth II as well as commentary about her faith.  We discuss these events in today's podcast. 

Wednesday Nov 23, 2022

Johnnie Lambert along with his son Bryant recount the 25 years of work that both have done in the Baltic areas.  Hear stories of perseverance and faith.  I have worked with them, but felt so inspired after hearing their first-person accounts of working in a part of the world that was part of the USSR until 1991 and now has a country that is searching for its own destiny. 
In this interview Johnnie and Bryant discuss Proclamation of the Gospel, caring for those who believe and the Feast of Tabernacles.  

Wednesday Sep 14, 2022

Andy Lee who is a Partner and Quality Leader for Tax Practices in the U.S. with Ernst & Young, one of the Big Four Accounting Firms, gives insights and advice on how to deal with troubling economic news involving inflation, higher interest rates, potentially increased layoffs. You will find this podcast insightful about where we are and where we will be going in the next six months.  
Would love to hear from you.  Write to us at with comments and suggestions. 
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