The Kubik Report


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My podcast has you in mind. The varied content ranges from news, social issues, and perspectives of experts who may have particularly insightful views and give clarity on what is happening around us.

Our content is intended for a general audience—just like a newspaper or magazine that has sections for various people hoping that they will also read the areas where they may have a lesser interest.  So, follow your interests and discover new ones.

I want our discussions to lead to a deepening of your faith and service to others as well as well as greater purpose and meaning to your life.  

I call my podcast The Kubik Report so that it will be easy to remember and find. Just type those words into any browser address bar—and there we are!

We are also found on most major podcasting platforms in addition to the ones listed. We would love your feedback and suggestions to

Logo design by Libby Garrison.


Sunday Dec 15, 2024

On Friday, December 13, 2024, James Ginn and I discussed the Work of the United Church of God in Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, and the Baltics.  James Ginn will be the coordinator of this area, continuing the magnificent work of Johnnie and Hazel Lambert here for 27 years.  
Meet James Ginn in this informative podcast.  I thank all who have served in this area.  James Ginn will also be an Editorial Writers for Church publications..

Sunday Dec 15, 2024

David Cobb has written an article for the current (DEC 2024) Compass Check magazine for teens entitled "Practical Tools For Navigating Anxiety."   It is not just for teens. 
Mike Snyder is a crisis communication professional who has worked with mental health care.
We speak about three tools that you can use to lessen worry.
Books recommended in the podcast:Redefining Anxiety: What It Is, What It Isn't, and How to Get Your Life Back is a concise guide by Dr. John Delony, published in November 2020. Drawing from his personal experiences and over two decades in counseling and research, Dr. Delony addresses common misconceptions about anxiety and offers practical steps for managing it.
Rewire Your Anxious Brain: How to Use the Neuroscience of Fear to End Anxiety, Panic, and Worry is a comprehensive guide co-authored by psychologist Catherine M. Pittman, PhD, and Elizabeth M. Karle, MLIS. Published in January 2015, the book delves into the neurological underpinnings of anxiety, focusing on the roles of the amygdala and cortex in the brain. It offers evidence-based strategies to manage and alleviate anxiety by addressing both the primal fear responses and the cognitive aspects of worry

Friday Dec 13, 2024

This podcast was created by James Ginn who is now  Coordinator for Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, the Baltics and Editorial Writer for the United Church of God. His is continuing the work of Johnnie Lambert and myself.  

Thursday Dec 05, 2024

A discussion from Northern to Southern Hemisphere about how to move forward, stay motivated in as we come towards summer in Australia and winter in the United States.  Vic and Ken talk about their life's experiences. 
Listen to all our Vic 'n Ken podcasts here

Sunday Nov 24, 2024

Several years ago when Michael Snyder was a Plain Truth senior writer, he interviewed several nuclear war experts and physicists during a Washington DC science conference. That produced the popular Plain Truth cover article “Humanity won’t end this way,” referencing concerns about nuclear war which Mr. Herbert Armstrong later made into a World Tomorrow telecast. His work and article were later turned into a booklet on nuclear war where he shared a byline with Mr. Armstrong. It’s online at various COG historical sites.
Today we talk about the state of the world that could possibly be on the brink of World War III.  The war between Russia and Ukraine has escalated.  Where is the end.  Listen to Mike Snyder's insight about current dangerous conditions.
The podcast was made after church services and you may hear the voices of children playing. 
Michael A. Snyder, (not to be confused with Michael T. Snyder, a non-related prolific writer on speculative prophecy) has written for Beyond Today (both the magazine and the telecast) and previously served as a senior writer for The PlainTruth magazine. He and his wife Jamie live in Indianapolis, Indiana and attend the Indianapolis United Church of God congregation. They previously lived in Pasadena, California.

Tuesday Nov 19, 2024

Ken and I discuss how we came to our belief structure and describe our spiritual journey starting in our teens.
What has your spiritual journey been?  What and how have you discovered what you believe?  

Friday Nov 08, 2024

It's two days after Trump's Victory.  Bruce Porteous from New Zealand and I talk about how the next Trump Administration will change the world. WORLD.
The new Trump administration will affect many nations it they implement the policies that they have declared. It will lead to the collapse of America as the leader of the free world and see the creation of a new global order. Here are some scenarios that are likely to unfold, impacting the USA under Trump.
Very insightful international thoughts. 

Wednesday Oct 30, 2024

Trish Hodges and I talk about how to be comfortable with some uncomfortable things about life and how it affects your loved ones when you die.  
Trish is an proactive Advance Planning Advisor with Flanner Buchanan, equipped with a background in Public Affairs from IUPUI and a degree in Applied Science in Chemical Technology. She passionately advocates for pre-planning funeral care, ensuring families are prepared for life’s challenges.
317 259-1235  Office317 504-1171  Mobile
2020 Montcalm St.Indianapolis, IN 46202

Monday Oct 07, 2024

Our very good friends Andre and Elise van Belkum visited us in Lafayette, IN while coming from South Africa to a General Conference of Elders meeting Cincinnati.  I happened to come across this audio file and brought it back to life.  His message to us inspired our going to these places and before the start of LifeNets.  Andre was the Director of LifeNets South Africa and facilitated our aid to these areas.  You can read more about them at  
He refers to places on a map which is here:

Friday Oct 04, 2024

I presented this in Indianapolis UCG on October 3, 2024.  I speak about the History of the Feast of Trumpets, its traditions and how they relate to us, in particular how they affect our character and work.
Documents referred to can be found at

Wednesday Sep 18, 2024

The Bible is by far the most proliferated book throughout all history.  No matter how man has tried to judge and destroy this literature, it has turned back on those critics and has judged them.
Ken and I reflect on our experience with the Bible and what understanding it has given us. 

Saturday Sep 14, 2024

David Cobb gave a presentation at Brown County to the United Church of God over Pentecost weekend earlier in 2024.   He spoke about how to build power, love, and a sound mind (mental health). This is so important now when mental health has deteriorated due to all the pressures we must endure.  
Michael Snyder joins in this discussion.  
One resources referred to in this podcast is United Church of God's Light of Hope Helpline. 

Where Are YOU in Prophecy?

Thursday Sep 05, 2024

Thursday Sep 05, 2024

As we approach the fall Holy Day season, I have been thinking a lot about biblical prophecy. The upcoming High Days literally burst with prophetic meaning. Essentially one half of the plan of God – the death and resurrection of the prophesied Messiah, the time for us to come out of sin and come under the sacrifice of Christ, and the coming of the powerful Holy Spirit – these have been moved over into the “fulfilled” category of Bible prophecy.  Now, we move into the unfulfilled group.  What is God revealing to us?

Sunday Sep 01, 2024

Just before taking off on Sunday Gear Grinder bike ride along Lake Superior in Minnesota, we talk about the most important and personal aspects of our faith and how we share it with others.  
From September 9, 2023  
The First Annual Gear Grinders Classic event was held on September 10th in Northern Minnesota.   It was a bike ride from Gooseberry Falls State Park in Minnesota on the North Shore of Lake Superior participated in about almost 20 people (including me and my son Michael)  who enjoyed a weekend of fellowship, great food, Church services and THIS INTERACTIVE PODCAST!   
We held an open discussion about how we can better share our faith in doing our part in preaching the Gospel.  You will hear the insightful comments made by 
Andy Lee
Michael Kubik
Dan Laustad
Shari Gjesvold
Scott Gjesvold
Tammy DeVilbiss
Tony Stith
Elizabeth Stith
JR Landgren

Friday Aug 30, 2024

This is part 2 of our memorial podcasts about Robin Jones who dies on May 21, 2024.  The photo of him is one I took in 2014 while at the funeral of John Ross Schroeder in Watford, Hertfordshire. UK.
Look at the end of this note for links referred to in the podcast.
Here's what I wrote initially on Facebook:
I was saddened to hear about the death of long-time minister Robin Jones from the United Kingdom. He died unexpectedly on May 21, 2024 at the age of 88. I took this photo of Mr. Jones at the funeral of John Ross Schroeder on March 20, 2014, in the United Kingdom. While there we got together for dinner to discuss many things that have happened in our lives in 50 years.
Robin Jones was a pillar of the Church, serving as faculty at Ambassador College in Bricket Wood during my two years there. His was the Faculty Advisor to the Portfolio, the College newspaper I worked for. I was fortunate to be part of the student's trip to Israel in June 1969 which, he led.
As as senior I was on the Church visiting programme and visited brethren in the London area with regularity with him. It's been an honor to know him and his wife Shirley who preceded him.
Robin Jones sermon on March 2, 2014 about the History of the Work
Part 1 - The life of Robin Jones as told by son Rolfe and daughter Danielle Feith.   
Rolfe Jones Aug 3, 2024 sermon about his father Robin Jones

Monday Aug 26, 2024

Robin Jones, from the United Kingdom, left this earthly life on May 21, 2024. He touched thousands of people worldwide, including my classmates at Ambassador College and beyond.
His son Rolfe and daughter Danielle give compelling testimonials that tell the story of their father's legacy on so many of us. 
Hear tributes from Gerhard Marx, Aaron Dean, Melvin Rhodes, and Ken Murray.
Stay tuned for PART 2!

Tuesday Aug 20, 2024

On July 19, 2024 our and many other people’s dear friend Les Booth left this earthly life.  He was dearly beloved and a month later after his passing there remains an emptiness in our friendships and church fellowship with his absence.   
Les was a devout Christian, a devoted husband and father, a thinker.   He was also an enthusiast in various interests including the latest Technolgy, web development and most recently AI.  I wanted to be in line to interview him about AI and did so in February of 2024 and did two podcasts with him for The Kubik Report.
Les Booth helped me with my first website 28 years ago.  He designed the art work that is still the welcoming graphic on my site 
He taught me HTML when there were no WSYWIG tools such as Front Page of Dreamweaver.  He was always ahead of his time.   
As a memorial to Les Booth I would like to replay my first podcast with him January 25 about AI.  

Wednesday Aug 14, 2024

With Greg Thomas, we discuss principles of Personal Leadership as outlined in Greg's book Making Life's Puzzle Pieces Fit.  We discuss
Dealing with disappointment,
A Life in Balance
Simple Diversions
Meaningful Relationships 
Making Life's Puzzle Pieces Fit is available on Amazon.  We will continue through all the pieces in this series of podcasts. 
We invite comments and suggestions at   
Visit Greg Thomas's websites at

Thursday Aug 08, 2024

We are headed into the final months of the Presidential campaign, which will pit Donald Trump against Kamala Harris. Where do you stand? Some say we should not talk about religion and politics. Well, this podcast speaks about both. 
You comments, thoughts and feedback are welcome.  Please write to me at
Current politics is chaotic and rough and a spectacle to the world.  A friend of mine from Australia wrote me yesterday.   

Sunday Jul 28, 2024

Neal Kinsey has just returned from Ukraine, where he was a speaker at an agricultural conference in Vinnytsia. 
He is the Owner and CEO of Kinsey Agricultural Services, Inc., which specializes in building or re-building soil fertility to improve quality and yields through soil and plant analysis. 
He is a highly acclaimed soil specialist and consultant and has been called a consultant’s consultant.  
He is also elder in the United Church of God living in Charleston, Missouri.

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