My podcast has you in mind. The varied content ranges from news, social issues, and perspectives of experts who may have particularly insightful views and give clarity on what is happening around us.
Our content is intended for a general audience—just like a newspaper or magazine that has sections for various people hoping that they will also read the areas where they may have a lesser interest. So, follow your interests and discover new ones.
I want our discussions to lead to a deepening of your faith and service to others as well as well as greater purpose and meaning to your life.
I call my podcast The Kubik Report so that it will be easy to remember and find. Just type those words into any browser address bar—and there we are!
We are also found on most major podcasting platforms in addition to the ones listed. We would love your feedback and suggestions to
Logo design by Libby Garrison.
Sunday Sep 03, 2023
Sunday Sep 03, 2023
Tim Pebworth and I talk about what the United Church of God and LifeNets are doing around the world. He is in Abidjan, in the Ivory Coast when we do this interview.
Related links
Weekly Sabbath Services in French from Bordeaux. 9:00 an Eastern time US
From the Pan Africa Conference of Leaders late August 2023:
Friday Sep 01, 2023
Friday Sep 01, 2023
Joseph Mughogho in Lilongwe, Malawi and I speak about our common experience with the United Church of God and LifeNets. He has been accountant for UCG and is currently the LifeNets Business Manager for northern Malawi.
He is the author of several books on leadership including
Unleashing Leadership in You, How to Lead Others while Leading Yourself and Triangle of Life.
On Facebook
You can learn more about him on LinkedIn
His website is
His bio includes the following:
"Joseph Chipimpha Mughogho, holds a Master of Science in Managing Rural and Community Development(Malawi), a Bachelor of Science in Business Management (Virgin Islands-UK), Diploma in Project Management(Kenya). He also holds Certificates in Sustainable Finance, Integrating United Nations SDGs into the National Policy, and Introduction of Sustainable Business Management. The author carries with him a working experience spouting a period of 30 years in Finance, Administration and Project Management in both Private, Non-government Organisations and Faith-based Organisations".
Sunday Aug 27, 2023
Sunday Aug 27, 2023
August 27, 2023
In this interview with Ryan Cooper from near Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam we reflect on Ryan's life in SE Asia as well as Korea. He has worked as a school teacher and humanitarian.
He is a UCG member from Terre Haute, Indiana where I met him more than 15 years ago. He tells a compelling story. He was married to Kimmy last year and she just gave birth to their son Daniel.
He can be reached at
Here are stories about some of his projects from the LifeNets website
Ryan Cooper › cambodia › ryancooper
The well continues to provide water to the village in Cambodia. I just wanted to share this good news with you despite many placing desiring and seeking ...
Tu Scholarship Report from Vietnam - LifeNets International
LifeNets International › tu-scholarship-report-from-vietnam
Ngyyen Anh Tu. Ryan Cooper, our UCG member in Vietnam who oversees this grant in Vietnam writes: On Mon, May 18, 2020
UCG Member working in Vietnam COVID-19 report - LifeNets ...
LifeNets International › ucg-member-working-in-vietnam-covid-19-report
Mar 6, 2020 ... He previously worked in Cambodia and helped with the drilling of a LifeNets bore hole.
SE Asia - Ryan Cooper - LifeNets International
LifeNets International › se-asia-ryan-cooper
Tuesday Aug 15, 2023
Tuesday Aug 15, 2023
Greg Thomas discusses his views on the popular subject of The Law of Attraction. How does it stack with the power of choice and making healthy cognitive decisions? We discuss positive and negative mindsets and how they often determine success and failure in what we do and can even affect our health.
Be sure to subscribe to Greg Thomas's YouTube channel by typing in "leadership excellence channel" in the YouTube search bar and join more than 3200 other subscribers for outstanding content on leadership in your personal and business life.
Thursday Aug 10, 2023
Thursday Aug 10, 2023
It's been one year since the James Webb Space Telescope has been in operation one million miles from the earth. It is 100 times more powerful than its predecessor the Hubble Telescope.
It has reached out far further to what appears to be the edge of the universe. This is where light now coming to us would reveal the primitive clues to the formation of the universe. What it discovered is startling and unexpected. Instead of clouds of gas and the earliest elements forming matter, it found something far from it.
Mario Seiglie and Victor Kubik talk about what they discovered and its implications on science, evolution, creation, design, God and man's purpose.
This podcast is based on Mario Seiglie's article in the July/July 2023 issue of Beyond Today magazine "Proof of God's Word Through the Universe." that can be found at
Posted August 10, 2023
Saturday Aug 05, 2023
Saturday Aug 05, 2023
Micah Gunn has given me permission to repost his his podcast Truth Be Told podcast ( with noted radio host Dr. Frank Turek posted originally on August 12, 2022 at
In this episode of Truth Be Told, Dr. Frank Turek and Micah Gunn offer up a defense for the discipline of Apologetics. The defense of the Christian faith is not only something that is under attack from skeptics, but also Christians who incorrectly believe that an evidential approach to the truth claims of the Bible somehow hinders or infringes on an individual's faith. Some might believe that an answer to God's calling should be wholly apart from evidence or logic, and others might think that utilizing logical argumentation or extrabiblical sources are misguided attempts to seek God with manmade tools. Another concern for apologists (both professional and lay people) is the ever-expanding movement of liberal theology which claims that correct thinking about God is limiting to Him and shouldn't be engaged in. So, why should a Christian study apologetics, particularly in light of all of this refutation towards the discipline itself? Join us in this episode for the answers!
Truth Be Told is a theology and apologetics podcast born out of a love of God's word, a hope to find common ground with those who study it, and a desire to outline truth.
Thursday Jul 27, 2023
Thursday Jul 27, 2023
I gave this message at the Pasadena Auditorium congregation on Nov 13, 1993 just after returning from Ukraine with Oleh Zajac and Bev., Lots of interesting history about our early working with these people that we still work with today, particularly in their distribution of aid in the current war with Russia. Also a glimpse into the Worldwide Church of God.
Photo is of Michael Palchey who was the founder of the postwar Sabbatarians in Ukraine. He emigrated to the United States where I met him and he then asked me to visit these people in Transcarpathia.
Tuesday Jul 18, 2023
Tuesday Jul 18, 2023
My brother and his wife just returned from their son Colin's College graduation on July 2, 2023 in Lviv, Ukraine. They vividly describe the emotional moment in a country that is still being brutally attacked by Russia.
They tell a great story of courage, love and patriotism that few of us know.
Read their written account with photos at
Wednesday Jul 12, 2023
Wednesday Jul 12, 2023
Merna Eppick is Board President of the Simmering Center which is a recovery housing facility housing 43 people nightly as well as a 10-bed respite center facility.
We talk about opioids, alcohol, meth, and other addictions.
You can reach Merna Leisure-Eppick at
Merna Leisure-Eppick Receives 2023 Missouri Mental Health Champions’ Award
Merna Leisure-Eppick received the 2023 Missouri Mental Health Champions' Award on May 9 , 2023.
Each year three remarkable Missourians, who have overcome many challenges to make life better for themselves, others, and their communities, are selected to receive the Missouri Mental Health Champions’ award at the capital Jefferson City. The presentation was made on May 9, 2023 at an awards banquet at the Capitol Plaza Hotel.
One of the 2023 awards was given to Merna Leisure-Eppick of Branson, MO.
Tuesday Jul 04, 2023
Tuesday Jul 04, 2023
Don Hooser, who manages Breaking Free and I discuss in greater detail Don's work with this website, journal, and resource to help people with additions. Don also poignantly shares a personal family tragedy that came as a result of an addiction.
Don can be reached at
Friday Jun 30, 2023
Friday Jun 30, 2023
Rex Sexton has lived in Portland for 30 years and has been pastor of the Church for ten. Portland, the "City of Roses" has been hurting from the consequences of broken laws resulting in broken lives. We talk about what will ultimately fix this city. Rex is a passionate person who talks about drugs, homeless, migrants, Antifa and anarchy.
Wednesday Jun 28, 2023
Wednesday Jun 28, 2023
Carol Emerson Hill and I continue our candid discussion about how to face retirement positively as not end, but a new beginning. You can be fulfilled personally and be valuable to others. In this candid and casual conversation, we talk about feelings, thoughts, and actions to consider.
You can reach Carol at
Be sure to listen to our first podcast at
Here are some books that Carol recommended in the podcast.
MBTI Personality Assessment
Official Myers Briggs Test & Personality Assessment | MBTIonline
The Enneagram Personality Test (
(There are MANY assessments. These are just a couple)
Book on MBTI assessment: “Do What You Are” by Paul D. Tieger (Author), Barbara Barron (Author), Kelly Tieger (Author)
Do What You Are: Discover the Perfect Career for You Through the Secrets of Personality Type: Tieger, Paul D., Barron, Barbara, Tieger, Kelly: 9780316236737: Books
The Art of Possibility: Transforming Professional and Personal Life Paperback – September 24, 2002
by Rosamund Stone Zander (Author), Benjamin Zander (Author)
Don't Retire, REWIRE!, 3E: 5 Steps to Fulfilling Work That Fuels Your Passion, Suits Your Personality, and: Sedlar, Jeri, Miners, Rick: 9781465473547: Books
New Passages: Mapping Your Life Across Time: Sheehy, Gail: 9780345404459: Books
Making Life's Puzzle Pieces Fit by Greg L. Thomas
The Virtues of Aging: Jimmy Carter: The Virtues of Aging (Library of Contemporary Thought): 9780345425928: Carter, Jimmy: Books
Sunday Jun 18, 2023
Sunday Jun 18, 2023
A compelling, insightful, personal discussion with Don Hooser, long-time friend of 53 years, elder, teacher, writer. He recounts his life's experiences and as well as early ambitions. Here are a few links for what we discussed.
Talked about:
Single Sex Attraction
Breaking Free
Virtual Christian Magazine
Colognes, Chemicals, Compassion, and the Church
Pastoral Assignments.
and more. It was very eye-opening to learn even more about Don.
Wednesday Jun 07, 2023
Wednesday Jun 07, 2023
Recorded September 28, 1992 in the Worldwide Church of God.
Many ask me about Ukrainian Sabbath-keepers that I visited for the first time in Transcarpathia in 1992. This experience greatly widened my perspective on what God is doing with mankind. When Christ returns, He will marry His bride. Who is the Bride of Christ? Are you part of the body and bride that Christ will marry?
This episode recounts my first impressions of many visits. It's also a time warp going back more than 30 years to the Worldwide Church of God. This was recorded when I was Assistant Director of Church Administration for the Worldwide Church of God in Pasadena, California.
The USSR fell apart and formed 15 independent nations. One of those nations was Ukraine. When this happened, a remarkable development occurred in the world of faith which was a big surprise to us.
We discovered that there were thousands of people who worshipped God in a manner similar to ours. We found people who kept the Saturday Sabbath day, along with many other tenets of our faith that they drew out from the Bible itself.
It was a surprising revelation and revolution that we first found out about from a few of their immigrants to America in 1991. I first met with their leader and a group of 13 other who settled in Port St. Lucie, Florida. He told me an incredible story of faith and standing against the giants of oppression and atheism.
The leader, Michael Palchey, also told me that I should go to Ukraine myself and meet some of these people. There were more than 3000 of them in Ukraine, 4000 in Romania and 3000 in Moldova.
So indeed I did go to Ukraine in the fall of 1992 and want to share this adventure with you.
This journey opened my eyes to a greater reality of God’s working with people in this world.
Christ will return to this earth and will marry His bride (Ephesians 5) But, WHO will that bride be? Is it just us? Is it more than us? Who will be there and who will not?
What follows is my report to a congregation in Pasadena, CA about this adventure, how it came to be and its implications.
Friday May 19, 2023
Friday May 19, 2023
This is podcast number 10 with Greg Thomas this year. Greg give valuable advice about how to live a life in which you are and feel like you're accomplishing something.
He speaks of life hacks that you may not have thought were valuable, but they are. He speaks of varied subjects ranging from creating the right environment from the moment you get up in the morning to never saying it's too late in life to start something you've not tried before.
Visit his website at as well as his YouTube channel at
He has written two books Making Life's Puzzle Pieces Fit as well as 52 Leadership Tips. Both are available on Amazon.
Monday May 08, 2023
Monday May 08, 2023
May 8, 2023
Melvin Rhodes and I discuss the May 6, 2023 coronation of King Charles III. We have come just come off from the longest reign in British history that lasted 70 years. Where has Britain and the world come to in this time? We talk about the changes in the British Empire, now much diminished Commonwealth.
Melvin, who was born in England is a rich source of British history and a popular commentator and analyst.
Go to his perceptive blog at
Your comments to us at would be greatly appreciated.
Photo: By Department for Culture, Media and Sport - Waving from Buckingham Palace Balcony, PDM-owner,
Thursday May 04, 2023
Thursday May 04, 2023
We continue with our ninth podcast about leadership with Greg Thomas who is a business consultant, author, keynote speaker, and a personal life-coach whom I have known for many years. Among varied leadership topics we have discussed personal leadership and servant leadership.
Today we turn our attention to managing our lives with tools on how to have a fulfilling and productive day.
Greg has an engaging and easy-to-apply presentation style.
Visit his website at as well as his YouTube channel at
He had also founded weLEAD Incorporated, chartered in 2001 as a 501 (c) (3) corporation offering free leadership development information reaching a worldwide audience. He has written two books Making Life's Puzzle Pieces Fit as well as 52 Leadership Tips.
Tuesday May 02, 2023
Tuesday May 02, 2023
Roman Grynishyn is Founder and CEO of World to Rebuild Rural Ukraine. Much of Ukraine is devasted and hurting from the brutal by Russia that began Feb 24, 2022. This has affected all strata of society, not the least family farmers. Ukraine is an incredibly rich land agriculturally (and other ways. 600 million people rely on food produced in Ukraine, many by family farmers. The Russian invasion has destroyed homes, farm equipment and has mined the fields.
You can learn more about WRRU
Check out the LifeNets War Blog at
Previous podcast on April 28, 2022
Monday May 01, 2023
Monday May 01, 2023
In this personal conversation with my nephew Colin Kubik we talk about his life's journey that has brought him through Ukraine where he has found the roots from his grandparents. He will be graduating from University on July 1, 2023. His days are concerned about possible rocket attacks. He works as a stand-up comedian and being a rare international student at the University. You will learn interesting things from this candid interview.
Sunday Apr 09, 2023
Sunday Apr 09, 2023
Christianity, oftentimes amongst skeptics, is made out to be nothing more than a fairytale but, in reality, Christianity is the most well-evidenced belief in existence. No other faith has as much proof of its accuracy than Christianity and the cumulative case becomes impossible to stand up against when faced honestly. Join us on Truth Be Told as we discuss the rationality and evidence of Christianity with theologian, apologist, and cold-case detective, J. Warner Wallace of Cold Case Christianity.If you have doubts about your faith or don't have answers to certain skeptic's attacks, don't be shaken, there are answers. If you are a skeptic, ask yourself if you've honestly evaluated the claims and evidence of Christianity. It takes strength and courage to look your world view in the face and see if it holds up to scrutiny. Christians, take heart and skeptics, take courage! The truth of Christianity stands strong through it all.Cold Case Christianity: Email:
J. Warner Wallace Photo By Mmmaardvark - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,