The Kubik Report


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My podcast has you in mind. The varied content ranges from news, social issues, and perspectives of experts who may have particularly insightful views and give clarity on what is happening around us.

Our content is intended for a general audience—just like a newspaper or magazine that has sections for various people hoping that they will also read the areas where they may have a lesser interest.  So, follow your interests and discover new ones.

I want our discussions to lead to a deepening of your faith and service to others as well as well as greater purpose and meaning to your life.  

I call my podcast The Kubik Report so that it will be easy to remember and find. Just type those words into any browser address bar—and there we are!

We are also found on most major podcasting platforms in addition to the ones listed. We would love your feedback and suggestions to

Logo design by Libby Garrison.


Wednesday Dec 14, 2022

Greg Thomas, leadership consultant, author, keynote speaker and coach presents the final piece in his book Making Life's Puzzle Pieces Fit, Using the Twelve Principle of Personal Leadership.  The piece is Embracing Spirituality. This piece completes the Puzzle and now we see the whole picture of what leadership is. 
Be sure to review the previous four podcasts. 
Making Life's Puzzle Pieces Fit is available on Amazon on Amazon.  We will be continuing through all the Pieces in this series of podcasts. 
We invite comments and suggestions at   
Visit Greg Thomas's websites at 
Be sure to subscribe to his YouTube channel by typing "leadershipexcellence" in the search box.  

Tuesday Dec 13, 2022

Don Turgeon talks to Vic and Bev Kubik and gives his impressions of 18 years of service on the LifeNets Board of Directors.  He talks about his favorite program and discusses the things that he has learned and appreciated.  
Don is a CPA and has been critical to our adhering to non-profit standards.  

Monday Dec 12, 2022

Daniel Russo and I talk about an initiative that Dan and other have founded to bring the resources of various churches with common backgrounds together.  I have spoken with Daniel about his vision five years ago before he started Church of God Network.  Hear him speak about what COGN is and what it does.

Friday Dec 09, 2022

We're trying something a little bit different.  Bev and I talk to each other as twins in the womb about what life will be like after delivery.  
Adapted from Oliviral Media.

Thursday Dec 08, 2022

Mario Seiglie recently (August 2022) attended and Associates for Bible Research Conference in Albuquerque, New Mexico.  Dr. Scott Stirling discussed the Curse Tablet found at Mt. Ebal near Shechem in Israel that confirmed the Deuteronomy 11 account of Israel of Israel proclaiming blessings at Mr. Gerizim and curses at Mt. Ebal.   This sensational discovery about two years ago gives not only authentication to the biblical account, but shows the advanced state of the alphabet and writing.  
Last night Mario Seiglie and I made this latest The Kubik Report podcast about a sensational discovery at Mt. Ebal near Shechem in Israel.

Wednesday Nov 30, 2022

Mark Kellner is Washington Tribune's Faith and Family Reporter.  I have known Mark for more than 25 years.  When UCG began he contacted me sincerely interested in the issues surrounding the founding of the new organization. 
Mark was commissioned to write the lead stories for the Washington Times about the death of Queen Elizabeth II as well as commentary about her faith.  We discuss these events in today's podcast. 

Sunday Nov 27, 2022

This important recap of how to make life work continues.... We review goals, education, health, drive, resources, relationships, dealing with disappointments and more.    All these are spoken in detail in his books The Twelve Principles of Personal Leadership as outlined in Greg's book Making Life's Puzzle Pieces Fit.   
Making Life's Puzzle Pieces Fit is available on Amazon on Amazon.  We will be continuing through all the Pieces in this series of podcasts. 
We invite comments and suggestions at   
Visit Greg Thomas's websites at
As a reminder, you can learn more about Greg’s training skills on his YouTube site. Simply type in “leadershipexcellence” on the YouTube home page “search” bar, and you will find him.  

Wednesday Nov 23, 2022

Johnnie Lambert along with his son Bryant recount the 25 years of work that both have done in the Baltic areas.  Hear stories of perseverance and faith.  I have worked with them, but felt so inspired after hearing their first-person accounts of working in a part of the world that was part of the USSR until 1991 and now has a country that is searching for its own destiny. 
In this interview Johnnie and Bryant discuss Proclamation of the Gospel, caring for those who believe and the Feast of Tabernacles.  

Sunday Nov 13, 2022

Estonian descendent Irma Faulkner tells me her moving and dramatic story of how her six-member family fled their-homeland from oncoming Russians in August 1944 towards Nazi Germany in a one horse cart.  On the journey the Germans even took their horse away away as they continued to walk and hitch rides as they headed West.  All six of them courageously survived hunger, bombing and other perils.
The journey started on their farm south of Tartu, through Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Czechoslovakia and finally refuge in the American Zone of Germany.  Hear a story of faith and Providence and what she learned and wants to tell you.  
God called her and her husband once they providentially got to Iowa.  What a story!
There are similarities to our families exodus and similarities to what is happening in Ukraine. This is an episode you need to hear!

Wednesday Nov 09, 2022

Scott Ashley and I discuss our impressions on the morning after the November 8, 2022 Midterm US Election.  Is is what we expected?  Why not?  What are the real choices our people are making?  What does the future look like?  What does God think of our people's choices?  

Saturday Nov 05, 2022

Melvin Rhodes and I talk about major happenings in the news right now.  Visit his blog at

Tuesday Oct 18, 2022

Paul Spenser, a single parent living in Mantorp, Sweden, originally from the Isle of Man talks candidly about what it's like to be isolated as a Christian.  I have visited Paul several times in Sweden and earlier on the Isle of Man.  We have been friends for 30 years.  We met here in Italy and were able to make this podcast. 

Monday Oct 03, 2022

This is the time of year we observe the Feast of Tabernacles, a time that pictures the coming world, called the Kingdom of God on the earth. 
No more evil.  No more crying, no more tears.  A time of rejoicing as this world’s governments are replaced with the Kingdom of God..
I want to replay a message I gave seven years ago in Sevierville, TN entitled "God’s Gentleman."
It is an exposition of Psalm 15 the second most popular Psalm after Psalm 23,   "The Lord is My Shepherd."  This Psalm describes the kind of person who will inherit the Kingdom of God and live forever. 
I hope that you find this of value.

Thursday Sep 29, 2022

Aaron Dean candidly reminisces about his days as Vice President of the Ambassador Foundation for International. He and Michelle participated in meetings with Prince Charles, Lady Diana and other notables on their visits around the world.  Join us in this candid discussion.  

Wednesday Sep 21, 2022

We discuss the unique monarchy of Great Britain. With the recent death of Queen Elizabeth II, we talk about the origins of this monarchy and its future. 
Tom Robinson is senior writer, editor and research for Beyond Today magazine and booklets and the managing editor for our online UCG Bible commentary. He is also an elder serving the Columbia-Fulton, Missouri congregation.  Tom is the author of our online publication The Throne of Britain: Its Biblical Origin and Future.  You can download it at

Monday Sep 19, 2022

With Greg Thomas we continue our discussion about The Twelve Principles of Personal Leadership as outlined in Greg's book Making Life's Puzzle Pieces Fit.  We discuss
Dealing with disappointment,
A Life in Balance
Simple Diversions
Meaningful Relationships 
Making Life's Puzzle Pieces Fit is available on Amazon on Amazon.  We will be continuing through all the Pieces in this series of podcasts. 
We invite comments and suggestions at   
Visit Greg Thomas's websites at

Wednesday Sep 14, 2022

Andy Lee who is a Partner and Quality Leader for Tax Practices in the U.S. with Ernst & Young, one of the Big Four Accounting Firms, gives insights and advice on how to deal with troubling economic news involving inflation, higher interest rates, potentially increased layoffs. You will find this podcast insightful about where we are and where we will be going in the next six months.  
Would love to hear from you.  Write to us at with comments and suggestions. 
Please share this podcast! 

Friday Sep 09, 2022

Queen Elizabeth II dies on September 8, 2022.  in this podcast, Melvin Rhodes gives insights into what is happening. Elizabeth was the longest reigning monarch in British history and left a legacy that spanned 70 tears of rule and influence. She lived through 15 British prime ministers, and visited 13 American presidents.  

Saturday Sep 03, 2022

Derek Strauss and his wife Denise have worked with the homeless in Dallas, Texas for several years.  Through his experience as Chief Data Officer for a major financial firm and his own consulting business, he has developed a pilot app for a high-tech solution for the homeless.  In this podcast Derrick and I talk about a proposed app that could provide accelerated help for the homeless and assist their integration back to their families and to the community.
You can reach Derek Strauss at

Wednesday Aug 31, 2022

Greg Thomas and I continue our our discussion about the Twelve Principles of Personal Leadership as covered in Greg Thomas's book Making Life's Puzzle Pieces Fit.  We discussed The Right Visionary Goals, Continuous Education, Maintaining Your Health, Driving Forward and Utilizing Your Resources.  
His book is available on Amazon on Amazon.  We will be continuing through all the Pieces in this series of podcasts. 
We invite comments and suggestions at   
Visit Greg Thomas's websites at

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